Ruselectronics has Presented a Domestic Hardware and Software Package for Supercomputers

Ruselectronics has Presented a Domestic Hardware and Software Package for Supercomputers

Ruselectronics holding has developed a hardware and software package using domestic high-performance computing and cloud service technologies. The solution can be scaled to several hundred nodes and allows building systems that include thousands of virtual workplaces. The data channel throughput of the new package is 75 Gbps with communication latency up to 1 μs, which is comparable with a one-second latency in data transfer from the Moon to the Earth.

The new Basis software and hardware package (SHP) developed by the engineers from Research and Development Center of Computer Technology (NICEVT) is designed for building data centers, virtualized offices, virtual machines, graphical application servers and supercomputers for non-standard computation. 

The Basis hardware and software package consists of three general-purpose servers that are capable of incorporating up to 128 processor cores and providing up to 2 TB RAM. Server system boards have been designed and made by NICEVT. Computers are put together into a computer cluster using the Angara high-speed communication network that has been also designed by the company team. The equipment ensures high-intensity data exchange between servers with super low latency.