Rostec has Phased Out the Imports of Audio Headsets for Russian Aviation

Rostec has Phased Out the Imports of Audio Headsets for Russian Aviation

Photo: Alexander Utkin

Oktava plant has phased out the imports of audio headsets which are used in civil aviation. GSSh-A-18M advanced headset made in Tula ensures high quality sound receipt and transmission even at high noise level and allows to avoid using foreign audio equipment in domestically made aviation equipment. 

GSSh-A-18M advanced headset with medium noise protection is designed for operation with airborne communications equipment. The device receives and transmits voice data at high interfering noise up to 120 dB. High noise suppression level is provided by shaped plugs. Moreover, the headset has improved voice intelligibility. 

“Currently, Oktava has established a full manufacturing cycle of the GSSh-A-18M with about 2000 headsets produced annually. The products made by Tula-based plant feature high performance and user-friendliness. By their specifications, they are as good as similar foreign products such as David Clark and, moreover, are made entirely of domestic materials and components. Now we provide Oktava headsets for Ansat helicopters made by Russian Helicopters holding and other Russian aircraft,” said Aleksandr Nazarov, Deputy General Director of Rostec. 

The upgraded headsets is easy-to-use – it has wire headband with shock absorbers and adjusting devices to ensure personal comfort. A microphone is attached to the headset via a flexible holder with a rotating bracket allowing the operator to set it to any convenient position.