Rostec has Developed a Stealth Material to Achieve Aircraft Invisibility

Rostec has Developed a Stealth Material to Achieve Aircraft Invisibility

Ruselectronics holding, Rostec State Corporation, has created prototypes of a brand-new material capable of absorbing broadband radio waves. Thanks to the metal-core glass filament base, the thin layered material may be used in aircraft components. Such design solution was offered for a stealth material for the first time.  

The radar-absorbing material production process included interconnection of several glass fabric layers. It is based on thin glass-insulated metal-core filaments. Due to its exceptional properties, the new material absorbs up to 95% of incident electromagnetic radiation from radars and considerably hinders aircraft detection using radar equipment.  

“The modern military aircraft engineering has faced the issue of development of a radar-absorbing structural material long ago. The existing types of stealth aircraft coatings require regular restoration, while the lower-reflectivity fiberglass is maintenance-free. Our prototypes have already successfully passed the required factory tests,” said Aleksey Dymovskikh, General Director of the Central Design Bureau of Radio Materials.  

The stealth material has been developed by the Central Design Bureau of Special Radio Materials for the manufacture of engine compressor blades – one of the most visible parts in RF band.