Rostec Academy has Created a Domestic Equivalent of Swedish Conferencing Software That is not Available in Russia any Longer

Rostec Academy has Created a Domestic Equivalent of Swedish Conferencing Software That is not Available in Russia any Longer

Rostec Corporate Network Academy has developed a multifunctional service for business and education events – Meanchart. The service is used to get prompt feedback from a group and to create online surveys, tests and polls. The domestic solution substituted a foreign application with a similar functionality that is not available in Russia any longer. 

Swedish Mentimeter was one of the most popular interactive software for group activities before the introduction of sanctions, but now the access to it in the Russian Federation is denied. Russian Meanchart was designed by Rostec Academy team as a fully-featured substitute for the foreign software.

Meanchart functionality enables users to create surveys, polls and presentations to ensure the best involvement of a group in the dialog with a lecturer or teacher. The application may be used on smartphones, tablets or PC. 

The application is easy to use. Any dialog tools are available to the speaker in a user-friendly online editor requiring no special skills. Answers are displayed immediately, the group can see the results straight away and can directly give feedback. 

Provision of a detailed report on the participation and answers of the group members after the event is one of the important functions of Meanchart. This feature can be used to analyze the event performance, assess content understanding by the group and use the obtained data for further tutorial and management activities.