Trailer of Red Silk, a Film Made with Rostec’s Assistance, has been Released

Trailer of Red Silk, a Film Made with Rostec’s Assistance, has been Released

Red Silk, a Russian-Chinese film produced with the assistance of Rostec State Corporation, Russian Helicopters holding and Cinema Foundation, will be officially released in February next year.

“Release of this film in the China-Russia Year of Culture is especially remarkable. Many things in it are in common with the present day. The history of China-Russia relations proves that friendship between the two nations can get through many challenges and hostile intrigues. It is only getting stronger over the years,” said Rostec’s representatives.

We should remind that 2024 and 2025 have been declared the cross years of Russia-China culture under the initiative of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

This is a detective and action film inspired by a true story. The story is set in the 1920s in Trans-Siberian Express train locations. The plot is based on joint efforts of a former tsarist secret police agent and a Red Army soldier against foreign spies.

This is not the first project that binds Rostec and Russian film industry. Thus, the State Corporation supports the ‘In the Bosom of Your Family’ International Family Film Festival, holds the Russian Film Week in Singapore on a regular basis, and supports production of fiction and animated films. Release of The Balkan Line, a Russian-Serbian fiction film made by the Red Silk team with Rostec’s assistance, was a great event in Russia and the world.